
Showing posts from January, 2020


                                                     WEEKEND  REFLECTION As part of the B.Ed curriculum, our second phase teaching practice was started at 4/11/2019 and ends at 10/1/2020. I have completed my 30 lesson templates, innovative lesson template, diagnostic test, innovative work, achievement test and conscientization program. As a teacher trainee, I am very happy to complete my teaching practice successfully. The principal Roy sir, and other teachers from my college and The head mistress Ruby teacher, other teachers and non teaching staffs of GOVT  H .S.S PUTHOOR gave support and suitable guidance to me. My collegues in the school are  teacher Arya,Gopika,Athulya,Rajalekshmi,Kasthuri also helped me a lot. It was a valuable experience for my life and teaching profession. 


                                                  INNOVATIVE  WORK


                                                    CONSENTISATION Consentisation program was conducted on 22/11/2019.It was a on the topic Drug abuse in adolescence period. Drug abuse is a serious health problem that affects almost every community and family in someway. It plays a major role in problems such as drugged driving, violence, stress and child abuse. An introduction on drugs - Rini teacher Influence of drugs on health - Divya teacher Remedial measures against drugabuse-  Arya teacher Influence of drugs on youth-Kasthuri teacher Reasons about the addition of drug abuse-gopika teacher Effects of drug abuse-swathy teacher A mime was performed by the students of standard 9 B creating awareness  against drug abuse. Poster making competition on our topic was conducted and Devika and chithra were declared the...


                                                      INNOVATIVE  LESSON PLAN I took innovative lesson plan on the topic construction of trapezium. It was on 19/11/2019


                                                  WEEKEND  REFLECTION  4 The fourth weekend reflection of our second teaching phase was conducted on 30 November 2019 at our college. The reflection section was started at 10.00 am.  So that Conducted a diagnostic test at 8G class for the topic types of quadrilaterals All students are presented for the test. Also arranged a remedial class for the topic.


                                                        WEEKEND REFLECTION  3 The third weekend reflection of our second phase teaching practice was conducted on 23 November 2019. Principal and optional teachers are presented in this section. Each students shared their experience. Some students shared their experiences about conscientisation program. Teachers gives valuable guidance as well suggestion for all of us. I can complete 4 lesson plans in this week. The section was ended at 1.00pm.


                                                             WEEKEND  REFLECTION  2 The second weekend reflection was conducted on 16 November 2019. The meeting was started at 10am. Principal Roy sir gives instructions for the next week. Students shared their experience. Teachers corrected our lesson plans for the next week and give appropriate suggestions. The segment was concluded at 1.00 pm.


                                                    WEEKEND REFLECTION  1 Our second phase teaching practice was started on 4 November 2019. The first weekend reflection was conducted in our college today. Each students of our option was presented their reflection in the presence of class teacher. I am doing my teaching practice in GOVT  H.S S  PUTHOOR. The classes 8G and 8D are given to  me.I can complete 4 lesson plans in this week. Teaching aids, ICT are used. Classroom management is improved. My mentor teacher in both classes were Renuka teacher. She is very supportive and gives guidance for me.


                                             SOWC ANALYSIS SWOC analysis is a strategic planning tool that can be used during the curriculum assessment and review process to make informed decisions based upon collective input from multiple stake holders. It is used to identify Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges of the existing program. We conducted a SWOC analysis with the presence of Roy sir. First students are divided into different groups. Each groups are of analysed the strength, weakness, opportunities and challenges of the school, where they are conducting the teaching practice. After the analysis, we presented the main point in front of the class. Then open discussion takes place. Based on this discussion, identify and summarise 3 - 5  key points. Similarly each group presented their SWOC analysis about their school


                                                         REVAMP  CAMP BMMTC training college was conducted a community living camp as an extension service to the community from 16 to 19 September at our college campus. The camp is entitled as  REVAMP   2019 . Sessions including awareness programs, classes lead by eminent personalities in the respective fields, venues for games and cultural activities etc. aiming the all round development of prospective teachers. The whole programme is based on sub themes such as Revamping the Motivation, Revamping the personality, Revamping the nature, Revamping life skills and Revamping myself. First day, that is 16/9/2019, the programme was started with a flag hosting. Then it was inaugurated by Sir. Harisankar IPS. The first session theme presentation of ' EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPM...


                                                      ONAM  CELEBRATION Onam is the official state festival of Kerala. It is the  remembrance of King Mahabali. The onam celebration and competitions conducted in our college at 6th September 2019, Friday. The program was started at 8.00am. All the students and teachers appeared in Kerala style. The first program was athapookkalam competition. There are 3 pookalams  from MEd students, BEd second years and BEd first years. Then we have onappattu, Thiruvathira Kali, and fusion dance from students and teachers. Then there was arranged onam sadya for all. We had  vadam vali, sundarik potty thodeel, musical chair etc was conducted. Second year BEd students won first prize for athapookkalam. Principal and teachers are also participated in the competitions. It was a great day for all of us ...


                                                    FRESHERS DAY Welcome function for our juniors was conducted on 30/8/2019 Friday afternoon. Principal Roy sir was inaugurated the ceremony. Our old teachers and new teachers felicitated the occasion. Then the introducing section of new commers was done by themselves. We gave simple activities for them. The program ended with small refreshments and national was a wonderful experience for all of us. 


                                                 GENERAL  REFLECTION On 26-8-19  last reflection programme was conducted in our college seminar hall .Our principal Roy sir, Deepu sir and optional teachers were attained in the programme .   Each students share their experience.We were the first to say about aur experience.Each one of us shared our experience at GOVT H.S.S PUTHOOR. It was a wonderful experience for all of us.We have almost done all our responsibilities in our school,completed our portion conducted diagnostic test achievement test etc.


                                                 SCHOOL  BASED  ACTIVITY On 2 August 2019 we teacher trainees of G. H. S. S Puthoor conducted an awareness class about drugs, it's side effects and health issues. For this program 8B class is selected. First we gave an introduction about the program. Then we explains about drug abuse in our society.The main duty assigned to me was the conduction of quiz .I included 10 question related to this matter in the quiz program. Then shows a video which includes a story of drug addicted person. Pupil carefully watched the video. After that, we explained about the video and the after effects of using drugs. Then the students shared their experiences.  We also arranged a quiz competition  based on the same topic, and the winners awarded prices.Nandhita and Shubha of class 8B were the winner of the quiz co...